Odd one, I wish I was you / You're never concerned with acceptance / We are all desperately seeking out, and fitting in with anyone / Who will accept us / But not you, odd one. - Odd One, Sick Puppies

Completed Stories

These are any and all stories I have finished and actually loved how they turned out. These are all over a period of four to five years, and as such, you can pretty much tell that I'm still making progress in terms of skill, and working hard at improving myself.

These are posted in order, starting with the most recent. Some of them you won't be able to read, as they are fanfictions (short stories based on an author's published stories, including characters, plot, settings, etc). But there are a few original concepts here that you can read, and I hope you enjoy!

ANY comments you have to make about the original stories should go in the comments section of THIS page. Please and thank you. =]


Underdog (FANFICTION) - Click here to read.
Completed: April 4th, 2010
A three act story about the characters in Kelley Armstrong's Darkest Powers series; my most popular fanfic to date.

     "You're not a monster or a villian. But that doesn't mean you're an extra either."
     He stared at me, not blinking. "So what am I? What do they call my character in the movies, Chloe? Not exactly leading guy material here."
     "But you are the leader."

Untitled (ORIGINAL) - Click here to read.
Completed: Late February, 2010
A short story about a southern girl named Rose who hates roses, hates dating, hates her small town, and hates dating the hicks who live in it. Until she meets Ben.

     They named her Rose, but not like the flower. Her mom always said she meant it like 'rising above' what was silly in the world. But people always guessed it was the flower, so what her mom meant didn't count for much against all of them.
     Personally, she hated the flower. They smelled bitter, like lonely old women, overused and underpampered, but still kicking long enough to reapply that drugstore 'Red Hot' lipstick.


The Map Never Lies (FANFICTION) - Click here to read.
Completed: June 27th, 2009
A short story based on JK Rowling's characters, the Marauders. Pretty much a crack fic, written out of boredom and producing somewhat funny results.

     While he watched his werewolf friend search through his belongings, Sirius started concocting a plan. A brilliant, marvelous, incredible plan. His eyes switched positions, finding Lily glancing about the room and eyeing James's bed for a second too long. It took everything in him to keep from grinning like a mad man; a tiny giggle escaped instead.
     Lily whirled, her eyes on him faster than he thought was possible. His expression suddenly mocking, the pair eyed each other suspiciously. After a few painful moments of edgy silence, Lily finally turned away, her forehead creased in skepticism. Sirius giggled again, this time making sure to stay quiet.
     Her eyes once again strayed to James's bed, and a blush crept onto her face. Done deal.

Awake (ORIGINAL) - Click here to read.
Completed: January 30th, 2009
A short story from a girl's point of view, while she's realizing her current boyfriend is not what she wants.

     She glanced at his face, barely visible in the sliver of light that came from the street lamps just outside his door. His calm sigh broke the silence, and as if he'd already accepted her decision, he rolled over on his side. The space she had been filling was gone.


Heart of a Name (ORIGINAL) - Click here to read.
Completed: December 16th 2008
My longest original story to be completed. HoaN is about Anna Tennor, one of my Willow Creek characters, and her need for perfection. Instead of waiting for good things to come, she decides to go after them, realizing the journey is more important than the prize.

     Lilianna Tennor was crazy.
     Okay, maybe not. But she had come to terms with the fact that she was definitely not normal.
     And, hey, if her family wanted to call her crazy, she could call herself crazy, too. The only person she had met so far who didn't think she was crazy was her shrink, Dr. Pepper.
     No. His name isn't really Dr. Pepper. But I'll get to that in a minute.
     You see, Lilianna, or Anna, as she preferred, had an idea. Her idea was quite simple. And despite everyone telling her that her expectations were too high, she had held the same idea from the time she was twelve.
     Her idea was the ideal.


Boredom (FANFICTION) - Click here to read.
Completed: June 12th, 2007
Based on JKR's Marauders, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter while away the time on the Hogwarts Express. Definitely a crack fic. Why else would I have written about llamas?

     "Hey Prongs?" he asked his friend, who was sitting on the floor, playing Exploding Snap with Peter.
     "I'm bored." James sighed.
     "Padfoot, you've been saying that for the past hour and a half. Can't you do something to occupy yourself?"
     Sirius frowned. "It would be easier to find something to do if you would help me." James shook his head and went back to the game, leaving Sirius to his thoughts (however unstable they were).

Aftershock (FANFICTION) - Click here to read.
Completed: February 17th, 2007
Marauders again, lol. Lily and James. In a broom closet. Lots of freak out girl thoughts. My most favorited fanfiction, though I have no idea why.

     "What did we do?" I repeat.
     He opens his mouth to speak, but can't find words.
     Funny. He had no problems finding anything a few minutes ago.
     Seriously, he was finding so much, I had to push him away.
     Which is why we are sitting in silence now.
     "I think we just snogged," he says.
     How tactless.
     "Snogged? Must you use that word?"

I'd Never (FANFICTION) - Click here to read.
Completed: February 16th, 2007
Another short story based on the Marauders, it was a bit of fluff for Valentine's Day, just speculation on the Potter parents, Lily and James, during their years at Hogwarts.

     "Ravishing," Sirius Black assured his comrade in a bored voice.
     "Don't joke, Padfoot," James Potter flustered as he stood in front of the mirror. His hazel eyes scanned his tall and somewhat lanky frame. He absentmindedly ruffled his raven-colored hair, giving it his trademark windswept appeal. The wand in his right hand flicked again, and the midnight blue robes he was wearing turned a sickening yellow. "What about this color?" he asked his mate seriously.
     "It hurts my eyes," Sirius answered, shielding his grey orbs from view and making a retching sound in mock-disgust. James flicked his wand again; he was now wearing an obnoxious set of hot pink robes.
     "These will do," he said quietly, suddenly cheerful. Sirius scowled.
     "I will not be seen with you if you continue to wear that eye sore."

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