Odd one, I wish I was you / You're never concerned with acceptance / We are all desperately seeking out, and fitting in with anyone / Who will accept us / But not you, odd one. - Odd One, Sick Puppies

Current Projects

“Writing is the socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”
-E.L. Doctorow

Here’s a list of my current projects (all mine, yes, really, so no stealing):

Owen Taylor, Chicago’s resident playboy, gets involved in the struggle between the city’s most powerful residents: the Adams sisters. What he doesn’t know is that the sisters, Lucille and Delaney, are witches. When he tries to manipulate Lucille, she curses him with lycanthropy, and sends him to live in the basement apartment known as the Den with her other werewolf captives. While the seven wolves fight to understand the reasons they’ve been cursed, and the clues to their freedom, Owen dives into a depression deeper than any he’s ever experienced… Until, of course, the quick-thinking Lillian discovers his new secret.

The Angels are coming for Teagan Parks. No, she's not dead... Not yet anyway. After being on the streets for two years, Teagan is sure she's escaped the Angels interest, until her sixteenth birthday rolls around, and she wakes up with a new accessory: a Brand in the shape of a cursive D. She's now a Demon, and suddenly both the superraces -- Angel and Demon -- are showing a lot of interest in her. She follows Lane, her Demon Collector, into Chicago's Underworld, an underground complex where the city's Demons have been exiled. She's safe from the Angels for now, but what happens when she realizes these Demons are not the misjudged creatures they've portrayed themselves to be? – A four-part series.

The Channary Council
The prosperous country of Grendellen has been living in peace with its neighboring countries for centuries. But the Arcadien king has been planning revenge on Grendellen’s royal family, the Avalienes, for overthrowing his people and exiling them to the mountains. When the Arcadien army attacks Grendellen’s castle, and Princess Skye and her two friends, soothsayer Brynn and Highguard Keagan, are the only ones to escape, they know they have to save the kingdom, but how? Their only hope is to find the long-thought extinct Channary Council, a group of intellectuals with the power to set things right. – A five-part series.

Ninth Story Balcony
A memoir scrapbook of the past eight years of my life, including blogs, short stories, pictures, song lyrics, quotes, and text messages to pretty much explain why moving eight times in eight years (working on nine) really isn't so bad.