Odd one, I wish I was you / You're never concerned with acceptance / We are all desperately seeking out, and fitting in with anyone / Who will accept us / But not you, odd one. - Odd One, Sick Puppies

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Freakin' Adjectively Awesome

You wanna know something funny? Something so entirely weird and amazing and happy and scary yet completely and amazingly adjectively hilarious?

Life seems to like me right now.

I mean it. And, though I am superstitious, I don't feel the need to knock on wood as I type that.

But now that I think about it... *knocks on wooden desk*

Just in case.

Anyway, life likes me. Today was my orientation at my new job, and while I had no idea how to fill out tax papers or how to ask the right questions, I feel... Scared. Oh yeah. Scared to death. My first real day is tomorrow, and early, which has never been my best time of day.

But I am hopeful, and I am fearless, in the sense that I have a lot of fears but I plow on anyway. In the hopes of a paycheck (with which I will buy many many books... and probably a filing cabinet).

And, in a weird twist of fate, I've never had words come so easily to me. It seems the less time I have, the most I make of the time I do have, and therefore write a little more... not effortlessly, but perhaps less-effortly. If such a word exists.

I wrote a fanfiction (the first in a long, long time), and posted it two days ago. Since then, I've gotten fourteen reviews, all positive, and most constructive. I feel kind of giddy, and because I left the ending open a little bit and...
Well, I ended up continuing it. :)

And (for the first time ever I have a THIRD amazingly awesome thing to talk about), I won something! For reals! I was on Twitter last night and-- well, lemme just show you:

Oh yes! I won a copy of The Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong. Isn't that just...Well isn't it just freakin' awesome?!

Yeah, I thought so too. XD

But anyway, I have to get up crazy early tomorrow, and there's only so much time in the day for me to write.

I suppose I work well under pressure. Ha. Who woulda thunk?

Ending with my list of Ten Things tonight (which is very easy to come up with on a day like today).

Ten Things That Made My Day a Good One:
  1. Laptops
  2. Bobby pins
  3. Pens that actually like to work
  4. Donuts
  5. My dog wagging her tail when I walked through the door :)
  6. Reviewers
  7. Pressure
  8. Email
  9. Hand sanitizer
  10. Having something to say

Hmm. Hopefully my future lists will be more interesting. :)

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